Everyone's contribution is welcome
Our worship can be described as "Quakerly"; that is, it is not led by ordained clergy, but leadership is shared, and everyone's contribution is welcome. We worship in an open circle, with songs and hymns sung a cappella. We are a singing, and dancing, congregation, and music is a great joy for us all.
We listen to scripture lessons each Sunday and then, instead of a sermon with one person interpreting God's word, we enter a time of communal reflection and response. Anyone who feels moved by the Spirit to share may do so, reflecting briefly on what has spoken to or touched them in the readings for the day. Similarly, our prayers are an opportunity for anyone present to lift up and give voice to joys and concerns.
The center of our worship life is communion, which we celebrate on the first and third Sundays of the month, sharing gluten-free bread and the cup (wine and grape juice) with one another.
On the second and fourth Sundays, our worship is a service of word, prayer and song. The liturgy for a fifth Sunday is usually differently creative, often with a focus on song and poetry, for example.
Congregation singing during worship on Sunday
Healing Prayer Circle
The Healing Prayer Circle is a safe, tranquil space open to all in the community who seek healing for themselves, their loved ones, or anyone else. When participants in the Circle ask for prayers, they receive a response from the group as a whole. The response is prayer, often initiated by more than one member, and conversation, song, and often healing touch, depending on how the Spirit moves us, and what is needed and desired by the individual requesting prayer.
The Healing Prayer Circle meets monthly on the first Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the lounge of the United Church Parish House, 323 Temple Street. All are welcome.